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Draft Neighborhood Park Plans

Introduction Page

Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities is currently planning for the City’s existing Neighborhood Parks, which are characterized as being 0.5 - 10 acres with a service area of up to .5 miles. These parks provide multiple benefits to nearby residents.

Staff developed the following draft plans after an extensive existing condition and use analysis and community feedback in Fall 2014. We want to know: Did we hear you? Have we considered the needs of the majority of those who uses the park? What else can be improved? What is the priority? The public comment period will be open until the end of June 2015. We will then refine the plans based upon the second round of public feedback. Once the plans are finalized we will develop an implementation strategy including incremental phasing of plan components and cost estimates. In fall 2015, Staff will present the final draft plan to the Park and Recreation Commission and City Council for endorsement.

Thank you for your input!